Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Home Again!

In spite of our gps biting the dust at a bad time, we arrive home at about 3 this afternoon. The gps, which has served us really well, decided to go crazy just before we crossed the border. It first started saying I was going 70 mph when I was barely going 40. Then it showed us driving in a triangle where there were no roads. Luckily, we were on a freeway heading towards the border and navigated ourselves to the Peace Bridge. It's scary how dependent you become on those things! I'll see if there's a way to reset it I guess. Can't live without one now!
We did end up getting to Cleveland's West Side Market this morning. There was a fire in the market around Christmas last year and they reopened in February. Apparently it was mostly smoke damage and the final result is a really clean and shiny market. We talked to one of the vendors who told us that the place looks much better now. It's an old building with a beautiful ceiling as you can see. 

The market is a bit like St. Lawrence in terms of what it sells but there are many more vendors. Each has a small stall with a glass case. Some vendors have adjoining stalls for a larger space. 

This is the outside of the market. As you can see, we had a cloudy, threatening start to our last day on the road. 

On the way out on the highway, Marilyn took some shots out the window of the downtown area. This is part of the skyline and the stadium where the Cleveland Browns play.

So, that's it for trip pictures for now. There will be one more post with some stats and other stuff. 

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