Monday, March 14, 2016

Last Day & Home

Wow, that week went quickly! We always seem to prove the theory about time flying when you're having fun! Antigua was a great island to visit. We only saw one mosquito,  but that may have been a result of the fogging that went on daily. There were also no snakes, bees, wasps, spiders or other giant insects. That's always a plus!
We started the day with a small rain shower at breakfast and this beautiful rainbow. It was a full arc but this part was the most defined. 

 The grounds at Sandals were amazingly well kept at all times. The variety of plants, shrubs and flowers was incredible. As we walked around we tried to record some of the best. These two are, we believe, types of frangipani. 

These are the beachfront chairs that are highly valued by sun seekers. They get booked quite early but are usually free later in the day. 

This is the beachfront restaurant where the floor is sand. We had a couple of lunches here. 

We walked the beach a few times on the last day, just because it was so beautiful. 

We decided to spend some time by the big pool and found good seats again. We watched the Reggae aerobics class which made me hungry. So, we got some take out pizza to eat by the pool. It seemed like the best choice at the time!

Marilyn wanted to swim in the sea. I was content to walk in it and be the photographer. I don't mind going into seas and oceans with a purpose, like snorkelling, but swimming around is not my favourite activity. 

We then intended to go and sit at the swim up bar in the smaller pool by our room. However, as we arrived, the daily pool volleyball game was starting and they were short a player. Not having sunscreen on my covered parts was a problem, so I left my shirt on. At least Marilyn could see which one I was!

After a few strenuous games, I thought sitting on the beach with some wine to watch a final sunset would be appropriate. 
Impromptu beach wine holder. It worked well except when the wind kicked up the sand.

Our last dinner was at Mario's, which turned out to be our favourite of all the restaurants at the resort.

And, this was our parting view of Antigua. 

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