Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Dinner... But Not Fine Dining!

So after a brief rest this afternoon, we ventured out again. The subway brought us to Times Square where we mingled with the fairly massive crowds for a while. It's really tourist central there and we have been trying to avoid that when possible. But, you have to see Times Square. This shows the mall section where they've banned cars. I was wishing that they'd banned obnoxious tourist types too, but no.
I thought this sign was pretty cool with the mini actually stuck up there. A four door mini begs the question, Is it still a mini?
Then it was off to Hill Country Texas Market for dinner. I gather that they do it this way in Texas. You go in and they give you a card. You take that up to the meat "bar" and select from a whole hog, beef and pork ribs, brisket, chicken and sausages imported from a market in Lockhart Texas. Then you go over to the sides bar and order those. We ordered. And then realized that they sure make beef ribs bigger than the ones we had eaten. And that half a pound of whole hog is a lot. And that we didn't need that extra side. Or the sausage for that matter. After most of that and a couple of Longhorns, we were done. Really done. I think we need to eat some veggies tomorrow!
The festival of meat gets wrapped in butcher paper. What you see here is only my portion. What were we thinking? I wish my friend Ben was there to help us!
And finally for today, here are a few shots from around our hotel. It is really a cool place and I'm glad we've had a chance to try it out. I'd highly recommend it if you can get a deal on the price.
This is one of the hidden patio places on the lobby level which is a couple of floors up. It would be a great place to lounge if it was a bit warmer.
There is a lot of blue everywhere. This is the hallway by the elevators. Subdued blue light, blue carpets and cool music playing in the lobby.
And finally, here's a shot of the outside. It basically goes straight up in a very tight space.

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